Album: To Find Me Gone [2006]
vetiver are commonly lumped into the "freak folk" movement alongside the likes of joanna newsom thanks to leader andy cabic's friendship with scene founder devendra banhart. however, the band's roots reach deep - encompassing U.K. shoegaze and mid-'90s indie rock like sonic youth. while studying at the san francisco art institute, cabic met fellow student banhart and instantly established a close working relationship with him. while playing live gigs with banhart, newsom and others, he started writing songs for his new project vetiver. "to find me gone", the band's second album, features more percussion alongside low-key folk-rock and a mildly psychedelic tinge. the psychedelic aspect can certainly be heard on this track - one of the most hauntingly engaging (or, best) songs of the 2000's in my opinion. while cabic's songs are at their heart placid reflective works, they're given some dreamy, at times trance-like ambience with the layering of sighing backup vocals, subliminal background droning elements, and campfire-in-the-woods percussion. their 2009 release, "tight knit" is probably their most complete album and sees the band heading into more sunny territory. certainly one of those bands that continues to spread their wings and impress while flying well under the radar.
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